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椛澤 愛


Until art is established






一応体育の先生をめざして教育実習にもいったけれど、やっぱりおもしろくなかった(笑)だから結局、就職は一般企業。入ったのは、医療機器を扱う「THE 営業会社」っていう感じのところ。同期入社が20人いたけれど、次々に退職し、残ったのは私一人。ものすごく売って稼いでいる先輩たちもいて、ちょっと憧れてました。がんばってみたら、2年目で私も年収2000万円になれた。








Be continued

Blues of a capable kid

When I was a kid, I was a tomboy girl. I started practicing swimming at the age of 4. Since I became a champion, I had never lost the swimming race in Hokkaido. However, when I competed in the junior Olympic, I lost at a preliminary stage. Then, when I entered the select team to improve my swimming form, I fell into a slump and started to lose even in Hokkaido. At that time, I quieted swimming.

Although I pretended to be like “I'm not really bothered…” , I was so embarrassed and frustrated to death. A few years later, a swimmer who belonged to the same swimming school was on TV as an Olympic swimmer. I was dumbfounded in spite of cheering. If I had faced a slump, would I have been able to stand there too? Those words were spinning around in my head.

When I try something, I can do better than most people to some extent. Therefore, I make some effort and I don’t make my real best effort, and I talk to myself, "Well, this is fine, isn't it?." Ever since I was a swimmer, this has become a way of life.

I'm sure I was scared that "I tried so hard, but I don't reach it." When I became an adult, I realized this.

Liked to draw, but went to a physical education college

Around the beginning of junior high school, a PC came to my house. From junior high school to high school, I was constantly drawing with the paint tool. To be honest, I wanted to go to art school, but my strict parents told me "No one can make a living from arts!" So, I went to a sports college. But I was still drawing.Even after I became the manager of the rugby club in the college, I designed T-shirts and drew portraits of club members.Also, I wrote postcards and sold them at flea markets, and formed a band. I was a student who doesn't look like a sports college student at all.

Although I tried teaching practice for becoming a physical education teacher, after all, it wasn't fun for me. In the end, I got a job at a general company.

I joined a company that sounds like "THE sales company" that selling medical equipment.There were 20 people who joined the company at the same time, but they retired one after another, and I became the only one left. There were some seniors who sold a lot of equipment and made a lot of money. So, I admired them a little. I tried my best, and in my second year, I was able to make an annual income of 20 million yen.

But on the contrary, I felt empty when I stand at the same position where the seniors that I should have looked up to looked a little small.“Really. I can't be happy just by making money...” I realized

At the time, my boyfriend (now husband) is a firefighter.At the end of every month, he had no money and happily nibbled on jam buns. He seems happy without money. That's why I left the company

My friend suddenly starts to sparkle and make her dream come true!

After I left the company, I married my boyfriend who I had been dating since I was a college student. I moved to his hometown, Oita, and became a full-time housewife.I did nothing for a few months and spent 24 hours only watching foreign dramas. Then, I got bored. Therefore, I got a job at a hotel in Oita and became a wedding planner.

One day, by chance, the customer's bride and groom found out that I am good at drawing, and they asked me to make a welcome board. When I drew one, I was asked one after another, and I drew quite a few.

When I turned 30, a friend of the same age who became friends at that workplace left the company and moved to Tokyo. When we were together, she was a rather dark and poor woman (laughs). But she suddenly started writing blogs and sparkle. And she said, "With my blog, I WILL publish a book!" I said, "No, it's impossible!"

But eight months later, she successfully published the book. She became very popular in a blink of an eye and started to make a lot of money. I was like spaced out. This girl is Happy-chan who is still with me.

At the time, I had just had a baby and was on maternity leave. I was spending my sleepless days because my baby was crying every night. I feel like I've been left behind. Gradually, it became hard for me to read her blog, so I blocked her (laughs). It was so hard to see my friends who was with me making her dream come true

Be continued